1921? - d. [assassinated] May 12, 1998, Bogotá, Colombia), defense minister of Colombia (1982-84). Landolt, Jules (b. 1930 - d. April 3, 2005, Näfels, Glarus, Switzerland), Landammann of Glarus (1990-94). ...... In 1973 a UN mission was expelled and in 1976 Nigeria evacuated the last of its 45000 cocoa estate workers after they had been mistreated and deprived of their wages. Macías was ultimately responsible for the systematic murder or exile of the small educated class, ...
in svizzera ci sono vigneti e piantagioni di kiwi e d'bestate/b la temperatura in molte parti della nazione ? superiore ai 30 gradi centigradi. abbiamo naturalmente una stagione invernale, ma dura soltanto pochi mesi. ...